Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Friday, January 15, 2016
Henna Night
Monday, June 22, 2015
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
غيوم في يوم العيد
أجلس في شرفة البيت المطلة على الحقول وأشجار الموالح والفاكهة. رغم الخضرة المحيطة بالمكان والتي أعشقها واشتاق إليها دوما، رغم تحليق الحمام كأطياف رقيقة تحمل الهدوء والسكينة إلى النفس، ورغم تمايل أشجار الرمان والجوافة والزيتون مع نسمات الخريف فيما يشبه صلاة كونية بديعة، ينتابني حالة من التوتر والضيق العميق. فالسكينة يقطعها صراخ قادم من عدة ميكرفونات محيطة بالمكان، يصعب تمييز ما يقال من هذا الضجيج المتنافر... فصلاة هذه أم معركة؟
Thursday, September 29, 2011
مشاهد من مصر ما بعد الثورة (3): نريح أعصابنا...أو...الطالبان في باكستان
Thursday, May 19, 2011
مشاهد من مصر ما بعد الثورة (2): الشيعة في الميدان - قصة من وحي الحقيقة
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
مشاهد من مصر ما بعد الثورة (1): القطار- قصة حقيقية
Friday, October 15, 2010
I came across them as I was walking in the garden, heading towards my favorite spot by the sea. A young couple, totally absorbed in themselves, taking pictures of each other with a mobile phone camera. The girl was maybe in her mid twenties, a bit on the plumb side, with a beautiful rounded face and a flowing mane of blonde hair. Given her dark olive complexion I assumed her hair colour wasn’t natural. The young man was probably the same age, very thin and much taller than the girl. There was something about them…about the girl that caught the eye. Her face was lit up with an aura of excitement, of ecstasy as she tossed her hair left and right to pose for the pictures. Then I watched as she held the boy's arm and stood on her tip toes, bringing her cheek right close to his as her outstretched arm clicked a picture of their smiling faces, with the sea in the distance behind them. Then she turned the boy around, and again, cheek to cheek, clicked another picture of the both of them, this time with the trees and flowers of the garden in the background. Again they moved and floated from one position to another, with the girl, radiant with emotion, always leading the way. A keen observer would make no mistake in guessing who the active partner and who the passive one in this dance of love was. When they had finished, I watched as the girl gave the boy an impassioned look, then, taking his face in both her hands, kissed him…on the lips…in full view of everyone.
Monday, July 19, 2010
A Scent of Rose Water
Thursday, December 31, 2009
It was already past midnight. She was feeling so tired and worn out. She had been working for days on end, from morning till night. Another important report had to be finished and delivered before the end of the year. It was a critical moment in her career. It would open so many doors for her, so many possibilities and opportunities. There was still a lot to do and she knew she had a long night ahead of her. But she was feeling so tired. Fatigue was setting in, seeping deep in every part of her body. Her back was aching, her shoulders feeling numb. She looked into the screen of her computer feeling her eyes heavy from the strain of long hours of work. She would take a few minutes rest then go back to work. She opened the radio and lied down on the sofa. They were playing Bach's Sleepers, Awake! one of her favorite pieces. It was, calm, soothing, uplifting. She closed her eyes as the soft sound of the oboe floated through the air. How long had it been since she had heard it last? She couldn't even remember. When had she last gone to a concert? In fact, when had she had time to do anything truly meaningful? Her days were all the same, a string of duties and monotony…a rush to do everything…and nothing. She thought of him for a moment as the music permeated her mind and soul…filling in the empty spaces…but she quickly brushed the thought aside.
She calmly shut her computer, turned off the lights and went to sleep.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
He plunged forward, grabbed the knife and cut two big slices from the chocolate cake. He put them on a plate and began eating like a madman….God it was delicious!! He groaned with pleasure as he savored the juicy cake and felt the chocolate icing slowly melting in his mouth...it was pure ecstasy! He knew his wife would be mad at him. He was overweight, diabetic, with a history of heart problems. Sweets like this delicious beauty were strictly forbidden. But there were times when he couldn’t bear this deprivation. He loved chocolates and sweets, let alone this magnificent cake baked by his wife for their guests.
As he finished the last bits of cake on his plate he began feeling guilty that he had weakened and succumbed to his desires. But on second thoughts...what kind of life would it be if we couldn't enjoy some sweet little pleasures every now and then...even if they were forbidden.